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TermLocationSection #Course
Start Date - End Date
Meeting Days/Time/Building/Room
UnitsInstructor(s)CommentsStatusSeats Available
Zero Cost Textbook
COUNS-095 - Educational Planning
1/15/2025 - 1/16/2025
Warren, Carolyn
Limitation on Enrollment: Students must complete the Online Orientation and Online Placement process for math and English assessments prior to enrolling in this course.
Note: 100% online course. All instruction will be online through Canvas. Students will use the Diablo Valley College website, InSite Portal, and Student Planning tool to complete the course. Go to for course access information. The instructor will e-mail students prior to the first day of instruction with detailed information on how to access and navigate the different components of the course.
Open 3
Zero Cost Textbook
ART-106 - Drawing in Color
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M W 9:35AM - 10:25AM SRCE168
M W 10:25AM - 12:40PM SRCE168
Selna, Elizabeth
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled
Open 21
Zero Cost Textbook
ART-126 - Painting I: Introduction to Painting
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T 12:45PM - 3:10PM SRCE168
Lyons, Tarra
Advisory: ART-105 or equivalent Note: ART-126A and ART-126B combined are equivalent to ART-126.
Note: Partially online course with required on-campus meetings Tuesdays 12:45-3:10 PM (see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to locate course.
Open 14
Zero Cost Textbook
ART-127 - Painting II: Intermediate Painting
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T 12:45PM - 3:10PM SRCE168
Lyons, Tarra
Prerequisite: ART-126 or equivalent Advisory: ART-103 or equivalent Note: Students may meet equivalency in a variety of ways. Students should seek assistance at Admissions and Records.
Note: Partially online course with required on-campus meetings Tuesdays 12:45-3:10 PM (see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to locate course.
Open 14
BIOSC-116 - Human Biology
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
W 2:30PM - 3:55PM SRCE227
Ciabattari, Lyndsey
Advisory: ENGL-122 or equivalent. Note: Students who have successfully completed BIOSC-117 should not enroll in BIOSC-116. Students who have successfully completed BIOSC-117 will not receive credit for BIOSC-116.
Note: Partially online course. Course will meet online with required online meetings through Zoom Monday and Wednesday, 2:30PM-3:55PM Instruction will be provided through the college learning management system Canvas and Zoom software. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to begin. In addition to online instruction, this course has mandatory in-person meetings at the San Ramon campus for exams on 2/19, 3/19, 4/16, 5/14. All other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to locate course.
Open 15
BIOSC-119 - Fundamentals of Microbiology
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T Th 5:30PM - 6:55PM SRCE226
T Th 7:25PM - 8:50PM SRCE240
Das, Sumanjari
Prerequisite: CHEM 107, CHEM-108, CHEM-109, or CHEM-120 or equivalent Advisory: ENGL-122 or equivalent. High school or college biology or equivalent. Note: Students who have successfully completed BIOSC-146 should not enroll in BIOSC-119. Students who have successfully completed BIOSC-146 will not receive credit for BIOSC-119.
Note: Class meets weekly as scheduled.
Open 6
BIOSC-146 - Principles of Microbiology
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M W 5:15PM - 6:40PM SRCE227
M W 6:50PM - 9:55PM SRCE240
Scott, Steven
Prerequisite: CHEM-107 or CHEM 108 or CHEM 109 or CHEM 120 or equivalent Advisory: ENGL-122 or equivalent. High school or college biology or equivalent.
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 18
BIOSC-171 - Environmental Science with Laboratory
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
W 9:35AM - 12:40PM SRCE235
Cole Ekberg, Marci
Advisory: College-level reading and writing are expected. BIOSC-101 or BIOSC-102 or equivalents NOTE: Students who have successfully completed BIOSC-170 should NOT enroll in BIOSC-171. Students who have successfully completed BIOSC-170 will NOT receive credit for BIOSC-171. Class field trips will be organized to local sites related to course topics.
Note: Partially online course with required lab meetings Wednesday 9:35AM- 12:35 PM (on-campus lab, see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to locate course.
Open 9
Zero Cost Textbook
BUSAC-187 - Managerial Accounting
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M 6:00PM - 7:30PM SRCW217
Najarro, Mauricio
Prerequisite: BUSAC-186 or equivalent
Note: Partially online course with required on-campus meetings Monday 6:00-7:30 PM (see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas,, to locate course.
Open 16
CHEM-120 - General College Chemistry I
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T Th 8:00AM - 9:25AM SRCE230
M W 2:20PM - 5:25PM SRCE237
Petersen, Anne
Prerequisite: CHEM-108 or score of 3, 4 or 5 on AP Chemistry test or appropriate chemistry skill level demonstrated through Chemistry Diagnostic Test or equivalent; and placement into MATH-121 or higher or MATH-119 or MATH 119SP or intermediate algebra or equivalent
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 11
Zero Cost Textbook
CIS-132 - Adobe Premiere Elements - Comprehensive
1/27/2025 - 3/21/2025
Huynh, Loc
Advisory: CIS-100 or CIS-101 or equivalent Note: Credit by examination option available. Students may petition to repeat this course when software or hardware is changed. Only the first course completed will be applied toward a degree or certificate requirement. Units for both courses will apply towards the 60 units required for the degree.
Note: 100% online course - no scheduled meetings. Instruction will be provided through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to begin.
Open 9
Zero Cost Textbook
CIS-160 - Introduction to MySQL
1/27/2025 - 3/21/2025
Huynh, Loc
Advisory: CIS-100 or CIS-101 or equivalent Note: Credit for prior learning available: Credit by examination. Students may petition to repeat this course when software or hardware is changed. Only the first course completed will be applied toward a degree or certificate requirement. Units for both courses will apply towards the 60 units required for the degree.
Note: 100% online course - no scheduled meetings. Instruction will be provided through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to begin.
Open 3
Zero Cost Textbook
COMM-120 - Public Speaking
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
Phalen, Caitlin
Note: Section 9313 is intended for students in the SRVUSD CCAP College Connect Program but is open to all. Note: 100% online course - no required online meetings. Instruction will be provided through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to begin.
Open 1
Zero Cost Textbook
COMM-120 - Public Speaking
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T Th 11:10AM - 12:35PM SRCE187
Moten, Yasser
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled
Open 6
ECE-124 - Child Development and Psychology
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
Ebesugawa, Martina
Advisory: College-level reading and writing are expected. Note: Meets the State Department of Social Services licensing requirement for DSS-I, Child/Human Growth and Development.
Note: 100% online course with 8 required meetings 6:00-7:00PM 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/31, 4/14, 4/28, and 5/5 (online through Zoom). Instruction will be provided through the college learning management system Canvas and Zoom software. Access to a computer with audio and video capability is required. On the course start date, log into Canvas, to begin.
Open 4
Zero Cost Textbook
ENGL-122 - First-Year College Writing and Reading
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T Th 12:45PM - 2:10PM SRCE188
Colson, Michael
Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL-122; or ENGL-117; or ESL-117A; or ENGL-116 and 118; or ENGL-120 (may be taken concurrently with ENGL-122); or assessment process or Equivalent.
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 10
ENGL-122 - First-Year College Writing and Reading
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M W 9:35AM - 11:00AM SRCE188
Swindle, Renee
Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL-122; or ENGL-117; or ESL-117A; or ENGL-116 and 118; or ENGL-120 (may be taken concurrently with ENGL-122); or assessment process or Equivalent.
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 3
ENGL-122L - First-Year College Writing and Reading With Additional Support
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T Th 11:10AM - 1:40PM SRCE176
Katko, Clarissa
Shackett, Charles
Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL-122; or ENGL-122L; or ENGL-117; or ESL-117A; or ENGL-116 and 118; or assessment process or equivalent Note: ENGL-122L is limited to 3 units for UC transfer.
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 15
ENGL-123 - Critical Thinking: Writing About Literature
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T Th 12:45PM - 2:10PM SRCE174
Huang, Lynn
Prerequisite: ENGL-122 or equivalent
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 10
ENGL-123 - Critical Thinking: Writing About Literature
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M W 12:45PM - 2:10PM SRCE174
Huang, Lynn
Prerequisite: ENGL-122 or equivalent
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 12
ENGL-126 - Critical Thinking: Writing About Non-Fiction
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M W 11:10AM - 12:35PM SRCE176
Burgess, Susan
Prerequisite: ENGL-122 or equivalent
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 12
ESL-087 - High-Intermediate Integrated Reading, Writing, and Study Skills
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
W 5:00PM - 5:50PM SRCE188
W 6:00PM - 8:30PM SRCE188
Shackett, Charles
Advisory: ESL-076 or ESL-078 or ESL-077 or placement through the ESL assessment process or equivalent
Note: Partially online course with required on-campus meetings Wednesdays 5:00-5:50PM for Study Group and 6:00-8:30PM (see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, , to locate course.
Open 6
ESL-087NC - High-Intermediate Integrated Reading, Writing, and Study Skills - NC
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
W 5:00PM - 5:50PM SRCE188
W 6:00PM - 8:30PM SRCE188
Shackett, Charles
Advisory: ESL-077NC or placement into ESL-087NC through the ESL guided self-placement tool.
Note: Partially online course with required on-campus meetings Wednesdays 5:00-5:50PM for Study Group and 6:00-8:30PM (see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas, , to locate course.
Open 6
Zero Cost Textbook
FTVE-210 - American Ethnic Cultures in Film
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
T 5:00PM - 7:30PM SRCW212
Medina, Andrea
Advisory: College-level reading and writing are expected.
Note: Partially online course with required on-campus meetings Tuesdays 5:00-7:30PM (see room on schedule) with all other instruction provided online through the college learning management system Canvas. On the course start date, log into Canvas,, to locate course.
Open 9
HIST-121 - History of the United States after 1865
1/27/2025 - 5/23/2025
M W 9:35AM - 11:00AM SRCW221
Schaffer, Bridgitte
Note: Class meets on-campus as scheduled.
Open 30
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